Vesak Day 2019

Vesak is considered as both a religious and cultural festival in Sri Lanka. It is celebrated on the day of the full moon in May. This festival marks the birth, enlightenment and passing away into Nirvana of the Lord Buddha. The weeklong celebration gives the visitor a unique opportunity to discover Sri Lanka’s religious and cultural traditions.

Many temples get filled with devotees and pilgrims all over the country to mark this great event. In temples Buddhists worship, offer flowers, light lamps and burn incense. These traditional observances, in essence, have their value in satisfying the religious and emotional needs of the people.

Vesak is also a time for great joy and happiness. AYP.LK loves the Vesak day so we have got the best deals for you with 10% off on everything (*T&C Applied).



Special VESAK Day Sale! 10% off on everything

(*T&C Apply)

Use the coupon code : SUPIRIVESAK

*Valid on 18th May and 19th May
*Excluding Electronics